Are you Know...?? 9 things When you have Ulcerative Colitis

Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a form of inammatory bowel disease. It is a chronic condition, meaning that it is ongoing and life-long. It is incredibly hard to live with and can often result in surgery.

Alongside aecting the bowel, there are many other symptoms that can negatively aect your day to day life. Extreme fatigue, loss of appetite, diarrhea and abdominal pains are just a few.

It can also be hard to speak out about the disease, as anything to do with the bowel can be quite a taboo subject – meaning it can often be a very lonely illness to live with.

This also means many are unaware of the condition – even those who may be suering  themselves!

Here’s things you’ll only know if you have ulcerative colitis. continuer read below

#1. People will often compare it to Crohn’s disease, even though internally it is completely dierent. Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis are completely dierent forms of inammatory bowel disease. Crohn’s can aect
you anywhere along the digestive tract, whereas UC only tends to aect the colon
and/or rectum.

#2. But it’s also the easiest way to explain what it is, because people are more aware of Crohn’s than they are of UC.
People seem to be more aware of CD than they are of UC, meaning it’s often easier to just describe UC as being ‘a bit like Crohn’s’.

#3. Someone has tried to sell you an aloe vera product to miraculously cure you more times than you can remember. 
There is no cure for UC. Sure, there are things that may help to keep you in remission, but there is no life long option. But, even though surgeons have concerned this, you will often nd the random person trying
to sell you a product, attempting to convince you it will ‘cure you’. Absolute rubbish

#4. You become accustomed to openly talking about your bowel habits.
You deal with doctors so often to talk about your bowel habits, that the conversation seems to become normal.

#5. And forget that perhaps talking about it to people you barely know really isn’t appropriate. Apparently, discussing your bowel habits over the dinner table or on a rst date just aren’t the right things
to do.

#6. You often rely on a ton of medication alongside supplements to help ght
the fatigue that comes with UC. Iron, Zinc and B12 supplements are very much needed to keep yourself from falling asleep.

#7. Organizing days out are hard because the most important part of the planning is nding the nearest loo. Anything over a mile and there’s that plan out of the window.

#8. Words like colon and rectum have slowly become less embarrassing to say.
And you’re used to using them in daily conversation when asked how you’re feeling.

#9. People will often compare your UC to irritable bowel syndrome.
It is extremely annoying when people do this. They are completely dierent
things. UC is a lot more serious, much more severe and causes more complications whilst having extreme consequences.

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