Banish the misery of Irritable Bowel Syndrome Naturally

Do the terms bloating, cramping, gassiness and abdominal discomfort seem to be part of your daily routine? Or you may be suffering from regular changes in bowel habits ranging from constipation to a sense of urgency generally accompanied with diarrhoea. Also, if the term ‘eat and run’ describes you, chances are you are among the many suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).

This condition can be quite uncomfortable and even socially embarrassing. Nothing dampens your mood in a social gathering where you have to constantly be wary of what you eat, and then have to run to the washroom as soon as you have a meal!

While some try and manage these symptoms as best they can on their own, thinking that it’s just how they are and feeling too embarrassed to talk about it; others may have severe symptoms that require additional help. In India itself, there has been a significant rise in IBS cases especially in young adults, ages 20–40.While the exact cause is not known for sure, certain behaviours like stress, anxiety, hypersensitivity of nerves in the colon region, unhealthy food habits, and many more factors play a role in triggering this condition.

Diagnosing and Treating IBS: CONTINUE READING BELOW

Most symptoms of IBS seem to be dismissed as just the nature of one’s digestive process and is thus rarely diagnosed. However, if you do observe recurring bouts of bloating gas, diarrhoea, constipation or irregular bowels, it is advisable to check with your doctor. For many, simple lifestyle changes in the form of food habits, meal timings, etc. may be advised, however some may require medical treatment. Common medicines prescribed for IBS symptoms include anti-diarrheal medications, antispasmodic medications and antibiotics. For severe and specific cases of IBS, there are a couple of specialised drugs in the market.

Though these drugs may help manage the symptoms, they don’t help with the condition. Further, each of these medicines can lead to adverse side effects in the body and aren’t encouraged regularly. So, for someone dealing with a constant case of IBS, it seems to be a choice between socialising and ingesting these medicines.

Going Herbal:

For those of you having enough problems digesting food, without having to worry about digesting the medicines, herbal supplements may be a better option. Thanks to the healing powers of several herbs, our ancestors were able to enjoy regular feasts without any cause for worry. At the first sign of indigestion, they simply picked the right herb, and all was fine again. Let’s look at some of the herbs advised for IBS:

Bilva: An Ayurvedic herb, Bilva is excellent to counter indigestion, constipation and even spasms caused by IBS. Further, this herb also aids digestion and protects against stomach ulcers and intestinal worms. Bilva helps to normalize gut microbiota and reduce the hypersensitivity of the intestine.

Brahmi: A curved medicinal plant typically found floating in areas of water, Brahmi is used in several Ayurvedic medicines. For IBS, this herb has been scientifically to counter symptoms and provide relief especially in cases of diarrhoea. Further, this herb also helps reduce stress and anxiety, which can also worsen IBS. Brahmi works on the gut — brain axis to modulate intestinal motility.

Why choose Stop-IBS tablets?

The name here is quite indicative of what this tablet helps you achieve, but in a purely natural manner. This herbal formulation by Charak brings forward age-old wisdom and Ayurvedic herbs to help relieve IBS symptoms and stimulate digestion. This simple tablet restores the gastrointestinal motility, combats diarrhoea, regulates bowel movement, relieves abdominal distension and fights certain infections.

A combination of herbs such as Shunthi, Kutaj, Bilva, Brahmi and several others, also work towards reducing inflammation, normalizing gut microbiota and reducing intestine hypersensitivity, thereby seeking to reduce IBS symptoms over time. So, unlike our ancestors, you don’t need to hunt for each herb but can receive the benefits of all in the form of a tablet.

Lifestyle Tips to Prevent and Treat IBS

 Medicines and supplements can help control IBS symptoms, but major changes need to be made in the lifestyle. These include:

Maintaining a regular schedule for meal timings to aid digestion.
 Avoiding foods that trigger an IBS reaction such as alcohol, caffeine, dairy products, beans, oily and spicy food etc.
 Drinking plenty of fluids to avoid constipation and encourage healthy digestion.
 Exercising regularly to encourage healthy gut activity and improving digestion.
 Avoiding stress and opting for meditation and other relaxation techniques.
What’s important to know here is that you are not alone, but one of the many that are dealing with this condition. So, try and figure out your trigger food and opt for natural supplements for long lasting relief from this condition.

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