Relaxation : and if you test the Mind and Body ?
Relearn flexibility:
Open to all, the Mind and Body is available to all women and all men,
athletes or not. The Mind and Body relearning allows flexibility, not always
obvious when one did not practice physical activity for a long time and we are
extremely contracted all day. Stretching guided by the coach give an idea of
the flexibility of his body. This is essential because not stimulated, the
muscles and tendons lose their elasticity and body gestures are becoming more
Unlike a traditional gym class, the movements are not repeated in the
chain; every movement is achieved with implementation, recognizing the fluidity
of movement and maintaining posture.
Evacuate tensions:
The Mind and Body is also and primarily a business-oriented recreation and
relaxation. Breathing is an essential element in class. Each movement, each
stretch is punctuated by the sequences of inspiration and expiration. The
Chiball, a small, lightweight and softball twenty centimeters also part
relaxation exercises.
Lying on the floor, Chiball in the neck, you do turns his head slowly in
the direction of clockwise. then immediately feels a pleasant sensation of
massage and relaxation provided by the Chiball, all being accompanied by soft
ambient music.
Work balance:
Standing on the ground, right foot over the left knee, we look forward exhaling
slowly and then rises slowly exhaling. The goal: work balance. Become aware of
your body and its capabilities in space is linked to the mastery of balance. In
this course, it is to understand in depth the movement and focus. Although
there is no recurring choreography in Mind and Body, the teacher continues to
emphasize the importance of the fluidity of movement. Each stretch should be
performed with grace and lightness like in a real dance classes.
Firm up your muscles:
And yes, the Mind and Body is also a good way to build muscles and refine
the silhouette. No secret, for a flat, firm stomach, it must pass through the
abdominal sequences phase but the difference with the current conventional
glutes abs is that here, the pace is much slower and respects the body. Again,
breathing should not be jerky at any time it must be completely out of breath.
Rather breathing should be deep and should guide the movements. Result: we
worked his abs without having the feeling of being exhausted !
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