6 Home Remedies for Colon Intestinal Cleansing Overnight Cleanse


When the intestines become constipated or overloaded, there is an increase in the burden of the other elimination organs. Often they can not handle properly and then the body stores the toxins in places such as fat cells and joints. If the intestines do not function as they should, the liquid waste from the fecal matter should be reabsorbed by the body. It is collected by the bloodstream, made through the circulation system, and carried to the kidneys, skin and lungs. The kidneys, faced with having to remove an extra load of liquid or toxic waste from the bloodstream, day after day and month after month, can be enlarged. The frequency of micturition increases. There is a strong smell of urine. Overloading can lead to a decrease in resistance to infection. The skin strives to do its part and the sweat and sebaceous glands work overtime. But they are not to the task. They will soon stop working properly. Finally, the lungs. These have a minute-by-minute function of vital importance to carry out. The body often asks the lungs to assume the overload of the other elimination organs. The lungs are busy ridding the blood of carbon dioxide and renewing it with oxygen for every cell in the body. However, when the lungs have to take care of part of the work of the intestine, breathing becomes unpleasant. 


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