IBS symptoms ? This may be the real cause of your watery diarrhoea

(IBS) symptoms may actually be caused by another condition, known as bile acid diarrhoea.

About one in three people that are diagnosed with IBS actually have bile acid diarrhoea, researchers have estimated.

Bile acid diarrhoea is a common condition that causes watery diarrhoea.

It’s caused by bile acid not being reabsorbed into the bloodstream once they enter the colon.

This raises the amount of water and salt in the large bowel, which triggers watery diarrhoea.

"Bile acid diarrhoea is a condition in which bile acids are not properly processed within the digestive system, resulting in symptoms of chronic diarrhoea" said medical website VeryWell.

"[Researchers] believe that bile acid diarrhoea is an under-diagnosed condition  one that should be considered for anyone who is experiencing chronic diarrhoea of unknown cause.


"In particular, people who have the symptoms of diarrhoea predominant IBS"

Bile acid diarrhoea affects about one in every 100 people, in the UK.

The condition can cause watery diarrhoea, without any blood.

The diarrhoea may either be continuous, or come and go, depending on the underlying causes of the condition.

Meanwhile, IBS symptoms include stomach cramps, diarrhoea, bloating, and having urgent needs to go to the toilet.

IBS affects about 20 per cent of people in the UK.

Bile acid diarrhoea is diagnosed by taking medication for the condition, and seeing if symptoms improve.

Blood tests and stool samples with also reveal if there’s any other causes for the diarrhoea.

A low fat diet may also help to reduce the symptoms of the condition.

Medication could be used to reduce the effects of bile acid diarrhoea, although patients may need to continue taking the drugs for years to stop the diarrhoea.

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