Are Xanax or Valium the best for anxiety disorders ?

I think it depends on your level of anxiety. I take two medications, one is quick acting - klonopin (there is a generic) and one is for long term effects and addresses GAD as well as Social Anxiety Disorder and the underlying Depression that accompanies anxieties, Effexor. We all react differently to medications so whatever you try, you'll start out with a smaller dosage - and if you have a responsible health care provider - you should expect to see them every 2 weeks for a med check which should include you filling out a 8-10 question sheet. Be honest with yourself and your provider. I thought I only needed to be on the meds for 6-12 months, but I may be on them for alot longer. 

I can tell you that these meds help me feel like myself !! 

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1 comment:

  1. valium/klonipine (klon is a 30 to 40 hour half life and valium is even longer) are the best in my opinion... longer the half life and rate of onset the less addictive and longer lasting it is... xanax is a little too fast in my opinion-iv lived with panic attacks and i hate them because like it says, it feels like a heart attack but you can live through them so a longer onset isnt that hard to deal with unless you really cant delay gratification/relief to prevent more anxiety later in the day (dont know about xanax XR though, iv heard good things)


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