The Connection Between Toxins,Thyroid Gland Function And Weight Loss (And How To Make It Work For You)

The Connection Between Toxins,Thyroid Gland Function And Weight Loss. The Thyroid Gland Function is a butterfly-shaped organ that wraps around the windpipe right behind the ‘Adam’s Apple’. It is the largest of the body’s endocrine thyroid  glands Function. The thyroid gland function produces several different hormones that are extremely important to the function of a vast array of metabolic processes in the body, including brain development, mood and Weight Loss , regulation. A surprising number of people have some kind of abnormal function of the thyroid gland. The Colorado Thyroid Disease Prevalence Study tested 25,862 people, and found that over 9% of them had undiagnosed thyroid dysfunctions. This translates to 13 million Americans who may have this problem. In addition, this study researched the link between ‘subclinical’ low thyroid function and high cholesterol levels.

The thyroid gland function plays a key role in problems of Weight Loss because it controls the body’s overall metabolic rate. When it’s not working properly, it may lead to an array of health problems, including weight gain, arthritis, depression cold hands and feet, dry skin, high cholesterol, chronic constipation and hair loss. Symptoms caused by low thyroid function are so varied, that they can easily be confused with those of other conditions.

The thyroid is the body’s metabolic thermostat, controlling body temperature, energy use, and, in children, the body’s growth rate. The thyroid controls the rate at which organs function and the speed with which the body uses food. When the thyroid is dysfunctional, there are a number of ways that it can seriously impact your Weight Loss.

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Correct thyroid function keeps the body at a normal, resting temperature of 98.6° F. The thyroid sends chemical messages via hormones to every cell in the body, directing the maintenance of body temperature, heart rate, and muscle movements. When the thyroid is dysfunctional or underactive (hypothyroidism), it sends out fewer hormones, causing metabolism to slow down. When metabolism slows, the body will store rather than burn calories, causing an accumulation of fat.

Low thyroid function also leads to a sluggish digestive system, often resulting in a number of gastrointestinal problems, including constipation, gas and bloating, abdominal pain, and decreased absorption of nutrients. Decreased digestive efficiency may lead to a condition called leaky gut syndrome, in which undigested food particles enter the bloodstream causing allergic reactions and depleting the immune system. Weight gain is one of the potential results of these digestive disturbances. Because low thyroid function causes fatigue and lack of stamina as well as muscle aches or weakness, people with this condition may find it difficult to exercise which is another factor in problems of Weight Loss.

Thyroid gland problems have been on the rise due to the increasingly toxic environment in which we live. Exposure to radiation, fluoride , mercury from silver amalgam dental fillings, pollutants  in cigarette smoke, and chlorinated compounds  are just a few of the many causes of hypothyroidism. Radiation is probably the greatest environmental cause of hypothyroidism and other thyroidgl and Weight Loss problems, including thyroid cancer. PCB’s, chlorinated pesticides, and heavy metals such as mercury have been scientifically proven to disrupt endocrine function.

Dietary factors that depress thyroid function include synthetic and genetically engineered hormones in meat, dairy products, poultry, and eggs, which block the release of thyroid hormones, and either a deficiency or excess of the mineral, iodine.Some vegetables that have a wide variety of health benefits, such as raw cruciferous vegetables contain thyroid inhibitors called goitrogens, that may cause an enlargement of the thyroid gland function and inhibit hormone synthesis. However, lightly steaming the vegetables stops the activity of the thyroid-suppressing substances. Soy products, especially if not fermented, may depress thyroid function. Other dietary influences include vitamin deficiencies, mineral deficiencies and excess intake of polyunsaturated fats ,such as soybean, safflower, and corn oils. To help spark proper thyroid function a combination of specific foods, nutrients, exercises and therapies is needed. thyroid gland function therapy and thyroid gland and thyroid hormone therapy may be indicated.

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Gugulipid, an Ayurvedic herb that has been used in India for over 2,500 years, is helpful for supporting the thyroid. Studies have shown that gugulipid stimulates thyroid gland function. Yoga, Tai chi and Castor Oil packs can also be used in a thyroid healing protocol. . Proper nutrition combined with regular exercise can help restore a weakened thyroid, and lead to weight loss as well!

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