Primary Symptoms Of Ulcerative Colitis No Overlook

Primary Symptoms Of Ulcerative Colitis That Most People Overlook

⑴ Primary Symptoms Of Ulcerative Colitis Take notice of chronic diarrhea.One of the hallmark signs of ulcerative colitis is chronic diarrhea or having loose stools (poops) on a daily basis.Between bouts of diarrhea, some bright red blood may also leak from your anus if ulcers are in the rectum, which is the end of the large intestine.

⑵ Be alert to an increased urgency to defecate. In addition to diarrhea, ulcerative colitis causes an increased urgency to defecate (poop), so sufferers often feel they can’t get too far from a bathroom.[3] The ulcers in the lining of the large intestine affect the ability of the rectum to contract and keep the stool in place longer so water can be absorbed from it.

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⑶ Primary Symptoms Of Ulcerative Colitis Be aware of abdominal pain and cramping. Another common symptom of ulcerative colitis is lower abdominal pain and cramping, primarily caused by the ulcers, but also from poor digestion and a disruption in the “good bacteria” in the colon from so much diarrhea.Avoid spicy foods, high-fiber foods and dairy products because they tend to acerbate the abdominal pain and cramping of ulcerative colitis. People who develop ulcerative colitis at a young age (adolescence) are much more likely to have severe symptoms.

⑷ Watch for progressive weight loss. People with ulcerative colitis, even milder forms, tend to lose weight unintentionally because of a few different factors: chronic diarrhea, fear of eating and triggering symptoms, and malabsorption of nutrients from their dysfunctional colon.[6] Consequently, weight loss is progressive, especially in adolescents and younger adults, and sometimes to the extent of being dangerous.As the body goes into ''starvation mode'' it initially uses fat stores for energy, then it breaks down muscle and connective tissue into amino acids for energy.

 Look out for chronic fatigue and tiredness.Primary Symptoms Of Ulcerative Colitis  Due to chronic diarrhea, loss of appetite, weight loss and a lack of essential nutrients, a lack of energy (fatigue) and tiredness during the day are also common signs of ulcerative colitis.This chronic fatigue and tiredness is not helped by getting lots of sleep at night or taking naps during the day. Muscle weakness may also be seen.

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Another factor in the chronic fatigue is anemia a lack of iron due to blood loss from the ulcers. Iron is needed in the blood (by hemoglobin) to carry oxygen to all the cells in order to make energy.Primary Symptoms Of Ulcerative Colitis. Among younger children, ulcerative colitis may delay growth and development due to a lack of energy and nutrients.

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