Wrestling Saved My Life

Anxiety is a feeling of unease, such as worry or fear, that can be mild or severe.

10 years ago, I began to lose control. As a 16 year old boy, already far too well-versed in the ways of emotional distress (for reasons I’m sure we’ll cover sometime down the line), this wonderful world decided now would be the time to kickstart the downward spiral that leads us to this point.
Despite the struggles I endured through childhood, I was an outgoing, confident and ambitious kid. I had it all planned out. I’d finish school, study my A Levels, go on to University and shoot straight to the top, not taking no for an answer. Spoiler alert, that didn’t happen.

To keep things brief, the combination of the stomach problems which continue plague me every day, and two turbulent, heartbreaking and mind-altering relationships turned me from the strong, bold and optimistic extrovert, into the quiet, fearful, awkward bundle of nerves you see today. Anxiety has no boundaries. It once led me to drop everything, hurting friends and family, to move to Liverpool as a means to escape it. At its worst, I spent two and a half years unable to leave the house out of fear of what might happen to me, bitter at those closest to me for living the life I lost. 5 years later, with the help from some amazing people, here I am. I’m living independently, in a job I never thought I’d have, making strides I never believed I could make.

2017 has been my best year yet when it could’ve easily been my worst. I lost who I believed was the most important person in my life, leaving me completely alone. I thought I’d fall back into the Hell I had fought so hard to get out of.

And that’s where professional wrestling comes in…

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