It’s no secret that motherhood changes us, both inside and out. But the changes it leaves on our bodies are the ones we’re most often reminded of each day — when we’re alone in the shower, pass by a mirror, or catch a glimpse of ourselves in a store window.

The truth is, having babies leaves behind signs that most of us would rather not see. C-section scars, varicose veins, stretch marks, and new curves are all well-earned battle wounds from bringing tiny humans into the world. But it’s not always easy to see the beauty in this new and seemingly foreign body of ours — much less understand how our significant others can.

Such was the crux of a recent viral post by Laura Mazza, the writer behind Mum on the Run, who’s known for her candor about all things motherhood. In a Facebook post shared June 26, Mazza recalled a conversation she recently had with her husband about her postpartum body, and the loss of the one she once had.
"This isn’t the body you fell in love with,’ I said to him. The body he fell in love with was toned, it had muscles, there were no stretch marks on my belly, none on my boobs, no gut from muscle separation," the post begins. "The body he fell in love with fit into tight jeans, could walk into a shop and grab any size and walk out, knowing it fit. This body now couldn’t shop at those stores, and mostly wears leggings. His body stayed the same, but mine changed in every way. It isn’t fair .… "
Mazza’s words have rung true for thousands of mamas across the Internet - to date, her post has racked up over 18K likes and more than 33K shares.
But it’s not what she said that has resonated most deeply with women everywhere; it’s what her husband said in reply.
"I stood in front of him, exhausted and broken, the tears welled in my eyes" her post continues. "This isn’t the body you fell in love with.’ Then he said, ‘You’re right. It isn’t the body I fell in love with. Instead it’s a body that grew our children, it fed our children, it comforted our children, it made life. Your body is the one I fall in love with every day. I didn’t know what love was until I saw this body and found out all it could do, so thank you"
If your heart is on the floor right now, I am right there with you. Mazza’s husband’s response was probably what women everywhere wish their partners would say to them, particularly in those emotional first months after giving birth. Perhaps that’s why most of the comments left on the post (of which there are well over 5K), appear to be women tagging their husbands.
Then again, Mazza herself feels that the post could be appealing to women for different reasons.
"I think for a lot of women, they know that their husbands feel the same way, [and] that even though they are worried about snapping back, their husbands are in awe of the body that created life,” Mazza tells Babble. “I also think some are seeking that reassurance"
And when it comes to reassurance, Mazza makes it clear she’s not above that either. “I’m really all for body positivity, but if I say I didn’t miss my old body, I’d be lying,” she says.
Yet, Mazza left her post on an uplifting note, reminding moms everywhere of the incredible feats their bodies have accomplished, and how worthy of love and acceptance they are.
"Do not be ashamed of what you have, or what your mum body looks like" Mazza’s post continues. "There’s plenty of time to give up cake in the future, for now, enjoy the moments you have, and enjoy the fact that you have made something that is worth every stretch mark and every dimple. If you needed a reminder, this is it, this body you have now, its worth every bit of love and more"

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