4 Reasons You’re Not Losing Weight (#1 seriously messes everyone up) !

Losing weight is something everyone wants to do at one point or another in their life. You can either take the high road of nourishing your body, or take the shortcut that leads to short term results, but also enslaves you in the yo-yo dieting cycle of misery.
Catherine of Butter Nutrition shares the top 4 reasons that she finds her clients are not losing weight. Is one of the fouling you up ?
"Have you changed your diet but you are still not losing weight ? Today I’m sharing the most common reasons I find that my clients are still not losing weight, even after adopting a real food diet.

Reason #1 Why you are not losing weight: Your body is operating from an energy deficit:

When there is a chronic energy deficit (fewer calories coming in than going out), over time the body starts thinking food is scarce. This results in the body holding on to fat as a way to protect itself. To make an analogy, think of your body like a house. If you’re not making enough money to pay your electricity bill, what do you do? Well, you turn down the heat in your house to compensate. The body operates in a similar way. When there are not enough calories coming in, the body saves energy by reducing body temperature (slowing the metabolism), turning down digestive juices (making digestion weaker), reducing the pulse, and slowing thyroid function (resulting in less energy). This is a built-in survival response by the body, to help you go longer on less food. This is often induced through calorie counting and dieting.

Reason #2 Why you are not losing weight: You’re not healthy yet:

Weight loss is not a priority when your body and internal organs are not nourished. You can’t short-cut to weight loss, it should come only after the body is healthy enough to do it naturally. As Diana Schwarzbein wisely says, “You need to be healthy to lose weight, not lose weight to be healthy.”
If you think this is you, take the quiz below to see if your nutritional debt is keeping you from losing weight:
When you eat food that exceeds your body’s ability to digest, those foods end up work against you. This is common in people who are struggling with nutritional debt. Nutritional deficiencies make the body more sensitive to harder to digest foods, particularly dairy and gluten. Often it’s necessary to remove those foods while you work towards nutritional wealth. When your body gets richer so-to-speak, then you can usually add them back in without problems.
Also, when you’re eating food you can’t digest - you’re NOT actually absorbing and assimilating the nutrients you are actually eating. So in turn, this creates MORE nutritional debt.


When you’re not eating enough of the right carbohydrates that are essential to stimulating metabolism and the conversion of thyroid hormone (T4 to T3) in the liver, weight loss is unlikely. Without an adequate store of carbohydrates (glycogen) in the liver, the body will not make enough of this very important thyroid conversion. An easy way to self-check yourself is by taking your body temperature (using this) first thing when you wake up in the morning. If it’s lower than 97.8 degrees upon waking, your inability to lose weight is probably related to #1 and/or #4.

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