Depression is more than simply being sad, it is the systematic and chronic overwhelming feeling of self-loathing, dread and helplessness. Not everyone who experiences it shares the extent of their pain or seeks treatment. They fear judgement and seek to hide their pain. One can not hold such hurt that close to them for long.
They are forced to transform the pain or themselves to deal.
Their Personalities Don’t Reflect It:
Superficially you would never suspect that they struggle with depression. You have to examine their defenses and desires to know what they fear.
Their Biggest Challenge Is Shutting Down Their Brain:
Like most minds, theirs derails into unproductive cruelty. Their minds are particularly messed up in it processes.
They Fear Judgement Over Everything:
They don’t share their pain or seek help because they don’t want to be attached to the stigma attached to depression.

They Don’t Mean To Harm Anyone:

When they lash out at others their empathy kicks them hard. They already have trouble liking themselves, now they see themselves as more of a monster than before.

They Know Many People But Trust Few:

The need to not be seen as depressed leads them to look and act like social butterflies. Many people know them and enjoy their company but few hold his or her confidence. They remain enigmas.

They Are Very Difficult To Know:

High empathy and a thorough knowledge of pain makes it so they are very relatable characters. Normally able to strike up conversation with anyone. Few if anyone know anything of real content or value about them.

They Are Very Smart:

The way that they deal with their depression makes them very smart and strong. To endure that pain in silence isn’t easy. They are able to mentally twist their pain or themselves and transform it into something else.

They Are Very Empathetic:

They are very in touch with their feelings, in fact they can’t turn them off. In the raw feelings they experience they easily relate and feel for those around them.

They Make Situations Worse For Themselves:

Not being genuine, carrying other’s woes, and not seeking treatment or help makes their lives much harder than it needs to be.

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