11 Myths about Depression

There are plenty of myths in regard to the existence of depression how it can have an effect on your system, so this article is designed to debunk these myths and provide you with the facts.
Depression isn’t a real medical condition
Depression is a medical condition with real symptoms and extremely severe consequences if left untreated. You can and should get medical assistance if you feel depressed to make sure that your condition doesn’t get any worse.
Even if depression is real, it can’t be helped
Depression can be helped and has plenty of ways to recover from it. Therapy, beta blockers and other forms of medication are valid and proven ways to help recover from depression, which should be utilised if you need help getting over the condition.
Depression is as common and normal as stress
This is incorrect and could be dangerous to sufferers. Depression is evident in 10% of Americans which means that it’s less common than stress and the effects are a lot longer lasting than that of stress. Stress can come and go with your life situations but depression can stick around for decades if left untreated.
People get “blues” all the time and just get over it
Depression is not comparable to the "blues" in terms of severity, meaning that it’s unfair to assume that you can just get over it. Depression needs consistent medical attention to recover from, meaning that the severity of depression is high and shouldn’t be ignored.
People just need to "man up" and work through it
Depression is a mental illness which affects the way you view the world and act around other people. The ability to “man up” is not only condescending and sexist, but also impractical because depression needs medical care to recover from.
Depression comes about with age
This is simply not true, depression is not a normal part of growing older and should not be expected. Young people and older generations of people can both have depression regardless of age for a variety of reasons, meaning there’s no correlation.
Depression fades over time
If anything, it’s quite the opposite. Depression worsens over time if left untreated with the wrong mind-set, meaning that simply ignoring the condition can be dangerous. Think of depression as an infection, it needs medical intervention to heal effectively and without repercussions.
Only weak people get depression
Winston Churchill, an ex-prime minister of the UK who lead the fight through WW2 suffered from depression and he was certainly not a weak person. Depression can affect anyone of all ages and backgrounds as it doesn’t discriminate.
It only affects women
See the above point if you believe this one. Depression affects anyone and everyone of all genders, ages, genetic backgrounds and more. Absolutely anybody can get depression, regardless of a family history or if they’re female or not.
Hormones in teenagers is why they feel down, it’s not depression
While hormones do take part in the problem, they can also enhance the effects of depression. As your body rockets through puberty, you can suffer the consequences of depression even harder when you’re a teenager. Depression should be treated the same, regardless of age.
It’s genetic
Incorrect, depression is not inherited although a family history of depression can indicate a future contraction of the illness. It may be common to see people with a family history of depression get the illness, but it’s not through genetics.
People just need to chill out more
As with all mental illnesses, depression cannot be overcome like a minor anxiety attack can be. Depression is a severe mental illness which, again, requires medical intervention to overcome effectively, meaning that simply taking a bath or doing a few breathing exercises probably won’t help very much.
Depression is contractible; I’ll get it if I hang around depressed people
Depression is not an airborne disease, simply being around depressed people will not result in you getting depression as well.
Depression is a negative state of mind with a whole host of chemical problems in the brain, all mixing together to create an imbalance which is hard to overcome.
If you’re wanting to help someone with their depression but don’t want to be around them out of fear of getting it yourself, you have nothing to worry about.

Instead of worrying about this (which is pointless ! ) try and keep your friend company which will help them to get over their depression, even if it’s only in the slightest amount.

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