Loving #Husband He Loves His #Wife Who Is Battling #Depression

Tim Murphy, a Los Angeles based engineer, surprised his new wife Molly with a beautiful love note.
Molly, who suffers from depression, had just returned from a trip to San Francisco and was feeling particularly blue.
When she flopped down on her bed, she noticed Tim has written a 15 point love note on their bedroom mirror, title "Reasons I Love My Wife"

"I’m not saying mental illness is cured by nice words on a mirror" write Molly on Imgur. "In fact, it takes professional care, love, empathy, sometimes even medication just to cope. Many people struggle with it mental illness more than we probably even realize…... show them kindness and remind them things can and WILL get better. Everyone needs a little help sometimes. If that person can’t be you see if you have any resources for therapy.

She has been suffering from depression, and it was affecting their marriage:

Molly returned from a trip to find this written on her bedroom mirror:

"It may just be a few words on my mirror, but I’ll look at them when I wake up and know I’m not alone. I’ll know I have my best friend, my co pilot in life to help guide me through"

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