Types Of Depression "Depression Support"

All types of depression are distinct between them. Major or clinical depression and chronic depression or dysthymia are the most common types of depression. But there are other forms with their unique symptoms, signs and methods of treatment.
What is major depressive disorder ?
Major depressive disorder is characterized by a set of symptoms that influence the person’s ability to work, sleep, eat, learn and enjoy the favorite activities. Major depression paralyzes. It doesn’t let you function properly. A major depression episode can happen just once in a lifetime. The relapse of this disease happens more often.
In addition, a significant symptom of this disorder is depressive mood or lack of interest.
These symptoms must be present most of the day 2 weeks in a row. Besides that, these symptoms cause clinical manifestation of acute malaise or decrease the ability to work. They can’t occur as a result of the impact of alcohol or drug addiction, consummation of certain meds or as a result of the malfunctioning of the thyroid gland. Also, they don’t occur because of a suffered grief.

What is chronic depression or dysthymia ?
Chronic depression represents depressive mood for a long period of time, minimum 2 years. This kind of depression is considered the mildest one and doesn’t paralyze the person. If you have dysthymia, then during your life you can suffer 1 or 2 major depression episode.

What is atypical depression ?
The symptoms of atypical depression are:
  • Overeating
  • Increased drowsiness
  • Exhaustion
  • Increased sensibility to rejection
  • Sudden mood swings which directly depends on the situation
The comprehensive feeling of sadness is the difference between the habitual depression and atypical depression.

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